True, I like the Thieves dish soap but with the number of dishes/pots/pans, I wash I wanted to make it last longer. In the past, I used the Sal Suds and it was okay. So I had this idea to make my own blend. I love it.
What you’ll need:
- 1 bottle of Thieves Dish Soap
- 2 cups of Sals Suds
- 3 capfuls of Thieves Household Cleaner
- Filtered water
- 2 Additional 12 oz squeeze bottles
- Pour equally the Thieve Dish Soap into all bottles (about 1/3 full)
- Add 4 oz. of Sals Suds to each bottle
- Pour one capful of Thieves Household Cleaner for each bottle
- Slowing fill the remaining 1/3 with water
- Cap and shake to combine
Your one bottle of Thieves Dish Soap is now three bottles.
Save your empty Thieves Dish Soap bottles to refill and then they are labeled too.
Simple, Cost-Effective, and it leaves my dishes Clean 🙂 without having to worry about harsh chemicals left behind for us to consume when we are eating.
Note: I tried another method of stretching the dish soap by the above recipe minus the Sals Suds and it was to watery for me and we were using to much.