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What is Happiness?

When is the last time you actually thought about what happiness is?  Recently I have given some serious thought to it.

When you really ponder the idea of happiness, it can represent so many things.  Ask anyone you encounter and you will be surprised by the variety of different answers you will receive.

Happiness could mean………………..

  • Security
  • Family
  • Spirituality
  • Relationship
  • Career
  • Health
  • Food to eat
  • Shelter
  • Friends
  • Music
  • Dancing
  • Painting
  • Being accepted
  • Sharing
  • Teaching
  • Being able to walk
  • A bed to sleep in
  • A hand to hold
  • Sunshine

This list just scratches the surface. We have all been raised in different environments, different ways, and in different parts of the world.  We are all unique, let’s celebrate that.

Together we are a powerful force.  We need to make the time to celebrate ourselves and each other.  Imagine the joy, laughter, and happiness we could create and share.

What is Happiness to Me?

Happiness is a choice we make daily, each moment of every day.

What I have come to believe is that it does not matter if you are single or in a relationship, a millionaire or poor financially, healthy or unhealthy, anyone can achieve happiness.

Okay let’s be real, there is always going to be some crap happening in life.  Guess what? You are not alone with that.  Life can be a roller-coaster, some severe highs, and lows.  However, at all junctures of that rollercoaster, we have moments of joy and sadness.

Remember that we get the final say.

Take a moment to allow yourself to feel happy

Have you ever walked into a room and felt the high energy of a group of people having a great time?  How about walking into a meeting feeling like you could cut the tension with a knife.  We all give off energy throughout our daily lives.  The more positive energy given off throughout the world, the more upbeat and productive we all can be.

Have you ever gone through a period of time that you felt life was testing your limits?  When you think “okay I can do this but nothing more?  Then not only one thing comes up, but several?

Compounding events has been part of my life this year, can you relate?

Yes, at times it can feel raw and unmanageable, but in each moment of every day, happiness is possible. The beauty in this life is that we always have a choice on how we want to feel or react.

(I don’t know about you, but this is HUGE for me)

We get to choose happiness, happiness does not choose us, so let’s choose happiness together and support each other in times of great joy and hardship.

So the question is, will you choose your happiness?




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