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Poo-Pourri Spray – Your Worth It!

We all want our “you know what” to smell like roses. The truth, it doesn’t.

Have you gone to a party, friend, or family house, used the bathroom and there is no spray?  When you open the door someone else is waiting to use it, so sad :{

There are several reasons to make your own Poo-Pourri Spray

  • Extremely cost-effective
  • No toxic chemicals
  • Choose the scent that you like – different each time
  • Leaves your bathroom fresh

The best part about this DIY you can trap those less than beautiful scents in the water.  There is no need to permeate all the air – we want to breathe, right? (hehe)

What you will need:


  1. Add the soap to the spray bottle
  2. Follow with the essential oils
  3. Pour in witch hazel
  4. Shake before each use
  5. Use 3 to 4 sprays in the toilet bowl before use

The bathroom smells better 🙂

If you need some Young Living Essential oils or other healthy products, let me know.  I will help you get the 24% off retail cost – I’m all about saving money.



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